The Future of Nemo

Hey guys, Jonasion here. First of all, thank you for sticking with us for almost two years at this point. It is your excited comments, suggestions (and memes) that truly fuel this passion project of ours. Your feedback also makes it hurt more to not see the app progress much this year. I’m here to tell you what’s next for Nemo.

Speaking bluntly, it’s hard to make a desktop League assistant really popular. Getting viral on search engines is hard unless you have a web version of the app. We consciously decided to focus on desktop, since our primary goal is to be useful during the draft stage – here and now. Paid marketing is an option, but you ultimately need hundreds of thousands of users to attract money that you can use to attract hundreds of thousands of users. Besides, we would hate to splash cash on getting new people on board before we can expand on features that old-timers and new folk alike will find valuable.

Enlarging our community the organic way is still an option – with a League website. If it is good enough, people will find us on Google and join us the natural way. This will give us more time and resources to keep making the website and the app better. We have been and still are tracking all suggestions as well as running a backlog of features to work on. 

Starting something new with the familiar faces, we’re back to the drawing board with one key difference. When we had a new feature for the companion app to show you, we usually asked for validation of our ideas, not what you guys had in mind ourselves. It will be different this time: we would like you to share the driver’s seat with us. Any help from the community – be it resources, ideas or capabilities – is much appreciated and will make you part of the decision making progress.

We’ve had our own share of highs and lows when it comes to League websites. Here are some for you to stir your imagination, learn where we’re coming from, and give us an idea or two if you like what you see – or dislike what you’ve been seeing from others.

Website Vision should be a one-stop League hub with a twist: you can share your ideas, see what others think, and help others find the relevant information. We love stats (and even run them ourselves), but some things just take experience and learning from others.


First things first, we’re planning a single-line look-up for everything League-related. We hate it when a website makes you switch regions half across the page. Our idea of a good search bar is one that shows all Summoners, Users, Champions, Builds, and Items matching what you just type. No need to change settings or go through multiple windows before you find your Korean smurf. If you have any pet peeves when it comes to looking up summoners, let’s shatter them together. 

User profile is taking things a couple of steps further. For starters, we will show you enemy players’ both favorite champions and build paths in recent games (you can itemize accordingly). Pro profiles are also getting a profile: they may be elusive in SoloQ, but we can pin down and analyze builds from esports tournaments. Most importantly, you can attribute multiple summoners to one Nemo profile to track your progress, even across servers.

Our aim with stats is speed. Legitimate limitations make League websites wait 2-3 days before showing data for the new patch. We’ve found a way around it to show you new builds within hours – which is even better whenever a new champion is released. will continue to analyze lane win rate and display Tiers, just like the app currently does.


We will, at last, deliver one of Nemo’s most requested features: Build Creator. You will be able to create a build, share it with fellow users, and then see how many users imported your build to League. We’re still looking for a good balance to not overwhelm users (e.g. Mobafire), and we’d love your input on how to make builds informative yet practical.

There will be more than just builds to share and discuss. We’ll be inviting you to spill Combos, Counters, and Tips for everyone to use. The community insights will be available on individual Champion Pages next to the builds. Here’s how such page could look (please mind that the designs are not finalized and stats serve illustrative purpose only).

Also, we want to keep things transparent for green rookies and veterans alike. All community builds as well as suggested tips and counters come with like/dislike buttons next to them. There’s also a report button to alert us about outdated or simply incorrect advice.

Winning Together

Last but not least, we’re making a Group Finder. There’s none in League’s client, and an alternative like /r/TeamReddit/Teams requires too much texting too many times. will provide a separate section where you start recruiting teammates or let party leaders know you’re looking to play. Your personal profile can reflect preferred role and champions, language, voice chat usage, laidback/all-in approach to games, and anything in between. A similar system to find DuoQ partners will follow. and You

We have some ideas from our experience of trying to play League better, but there’s only so much a handful of lads can know. If you have a thought or two on what would make a perfect League website, let us know in the #discussion channel of our Discord or hit us up privately. We’re also happy to answer any question or concerns you may have around the future of Nemo the community, the companion app, or the future website. 

by Simon Kaastrup-Olsen
July 15, 2021


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