Legends of Runeterra Progression: Earn fancy chests

Legends of Runeterra Progression like most collectable card games comes in multiple layers that intertwine with each other. Check out all the ways you can grow your LoR account and earn fancy chests.

Regions in Legends of Runeterra

There are six regions in the game: Demacia, Freljord, Ionia, Noxus, Piltover & Zaun, Shadow Isles. You may build a deck with cards from up to two regions. Committing to a region gives you rewards for each level with that region. The rewards are similar, as you can earn them for each region. This progress is not reset weekly.


Level 1Rare Wildcard Level 11Golden Chest
Level 2Basic Capsule Level 12Wild Capsule
Level 3Bronze Chest Level 13Random Epic Card
Level 4Wild Capsule Level 14Platinum Chest
Level 5Silver Chest Level 15Epic Wildcard
Level 6Random Epic Card Level 16Champion Capsule
Level 7Golden Chest Level 17Epic Capsule
Level 8Champion CapsuleLevel 18Platinum Chest
Level 9Basic CapsuleLevel 19Champion Wildcard
Level 10Epic CapsuleLevel 20Diamond Chest

Expeditions in Legends of Runterra

An expedition is Legends of Runeterra take on the (in)famous Arena mode from Hearthstone. You draft a separate deck and play opponents that did the same. Riot’s rules, however, are softer: you need to win seven matches without losing twice in a row. Once you reach six victories, it’s only one game that decides if you’ll end up with 7-win or 6-win rewards.

What makes Expeditions in LoR even less stressful is that you have two attempts (Trials) to reach 7 wins. You will be granted rewards based on your best performance out of the two.

Wins (best attempt)Rewards
0Random Champion Card
1Random Champion Card, 150 Shards
2Random Champion Card, 300 Shards
3Random Champion Card, 600 Shards
4RCC, 600 Shards, Bronze Chest
5RCC, 600 Shards, Silver Chest
6RCC, 1,000 Shards, Golden Chest
7RCC, 3,500 Shards, Champion Capsule

It costs 3,000 Shards or 300 Coins to go on an Expedition. Alternatively, you may earn a token through Vault.

Legends of Runeterra Vaults

Weekly Vault is an additional chest incentive for all players and helps with your Legends of Runeterra Progression. You work your way up to better chests by earning XP. Completing all daily missions for the week will leave you at about Level 10. Reaching Level 10 or going above it is rewarded with an Expedition token. Progress is reset each Tuesday.

Legends of Runterra Vault Rewards
LoR Vault // You get basic rewards even after an AFK week | Source: Riot Games

IMAGE: LoR Vault // You get basic rewards even after an AFK week | Source: Riot Games

Legends of Runterra Progression: Experience gains

Apart from daily quests, you get experience for each match and also completing the Expedition trials. The counter for regular matches is reset every day.

WinsLossesExpedition WinsExpedition Losses
1st: 400 XP1st–4th: 100 XPAny win: 100 XPAny loss: 50 XP
2nd: 200 XP5th–10th: 75 XPTrial bonus: 0–2,000 XP
3rd: 100 XP11th–20th: 50 XP

4th–10th: 200 XP

11th–15th: 150 XP

16th–20th: 100 XP

21st–30th: 50 XP


Can I restore Legends of Runeterra starter decks?

Yes. Apply the following codes to rebuild those decks. Note that you will not be able to redeem those codes if you haven’t completed the initial tutorial to earn them.

How to restore Demacia and Frejlord Starter deck?


How to restore Piltover and Ionia Starter Deck?


How to restore Noxus and Shadow Isles Starter Deck?


How do I level up regions in Legends of Runeterra?

You have to commit to a region before starting a match. Unfortunately, if your deck has cards from two regions, you will still earn experience toward just one.

Will there be a progress reset/wipe in Legends of Runeterra beta?

No, the January 2020 reset from last year’s limited access was the last one. All progress from open beta will carry over to the release version of the game.

by Denis Matusovskiy
February 05, 2020


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